Beck Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram

Mar 20, 2024
used cars

Are you considering buying a used car? If so, you probably already know that doing so can save you some serious dough. But how? That’s the question we answer in today’s blog. 

Here are 5 ways buying used saves you money, both now and in the future. 

1. Saves You Thousands on Relatively New Vehicles

When you think about buying a used vehicle, you probably have an image in your head of an old, beat-up car that’s on its last legs. However, that image is far from the truth, despite what’s portrayed in movies. 

In fact, many used cars are only a few years old, meaning that they have almost the same modern technological features as those fresh from the manufacturer. The only real difference is the price tag, which can save you thousands of dollars on a vehicle that’s very much on par with those considered brand-new. 

Remember, a brand-new car depreciates the moment it drives off the lot, so why not buy a used one and get a comparable car for less money? 

2. Better Financing Options

Even though a used car is priced lower than its newer counterparts, they still usually cost thousands of dollars and most people don’t have that kind of money lying around. As such, most Florida drivers choose to pursue financing. 

Financing is the process of taking a loan out on a car and then paying it off through monthly installments. When you buy brand-new, these monthly payments are going to be high. However, because used vehicles are priced lower, so is the amount of money you need to borrow. This results in lower monthly installments because you’re not having to pay back as much. 

3. Cheaper Insurance Rates

Florida experiences one of the highest rates of car accidents in the country. Unfortunately, that means that insurance rates are also on the high side. Fortunately, you can lower your insurance rate by investing in a pre-owned vehicle. 

Insurance rates are based on the value of the car. When you buy brand-new, it’s easy to know what the car’s true value is. However, that’s not as simple with a used car, which may have undergone maintenance or had multiple owners. As such, insurance companies tend to offer drivers lower rates on used vehicles. This means more money in your wallet each month. 

4. Less Money on Repairs

Photo by ​​ Kate Ibragimova on Unsplash

We know what you’re thinking: since a used car is older, it should need repairs more often than if you bought one brand-new – and that’s true, but only sort of. 

A lot of used cars on our lot are certified, which means they’ve undergone a thorough inspection to ensure safety and that they are up-to-date. This means that you can drive a pre-owned car with the peace of mind that the repairs it needed were already taken care of, saving you money upfront. 

5. Time is Money = Easy Savings

One of the best aspects of buying a used car at a dealership is that doing so saves you time from having to bounce around from dealership to dealership to find the car you want. Used car dealerships carry a wide range of makes, models, and years so you can browse used inventory all at once. 

By sticking to one place and getting to test drive several brands, you save money in tolls and gas that would be otherwise spent from visiting multiple places on the same day, or over several weeks. 

Sure, these may be minor savings but they become big savings over time. While this isn’t an exhaustive list of all the ways that buying used saves you money, they are some of the most common. If you want a used car to get you from Point A to Point B, our Palatka dealership can help. 

Visit Beck Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram in Palatka, FL, to Save Money and Drive Home in an Affordable and Reliable Car

When you visit Beck Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram in Palatka, FL, you are not only going to receive top-notch customer service; you’ll also get a personalized used car-buying experience. There is a common misconception that when you buy used, you have to settle for what’s available, but that’s simply not true. 

Our sales staff will match you up with the ideal used car, truck, or SUV that meets your requirements. Best of all, when you buy used, you’ll save money, too! All of this, plus help getting pre-approved for financing, is available when you visit Beck Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram in Palatka, FL. Our address is | 256 US 17 Palatka, FL 32177.